About the fundraiser
I am a chartered accountant with a practice in France and the UK. I travel a lot. I have visited 110 countries and speak 5 languages. When I see very poor children, I feel helpless and want to help.
what we have already collected : https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/shabir-children?utm_term=6jWMXqQ5y
What we do with your help
Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world. 75% of it’s population live below the poverty line with chronic malnutrition affecting half of all children under 5.
With my roots in Madagascar I felt I needed to help in whatever way I could.
Born of this was our mission to raise money to help Orphanages and Schools in Madagascar, all of which will be for the children’s use and not to pay salaries and admin costs associated with larger charities.
I am currently in Madagascar and have been contacting various schools and Orphanages. With the money we have raised so far, my family and I have bought and distributed essential items such as food, clothing, books, toys and other items they have a need for, rather than donating the money directly to them.
To raise money to support the charity over the next 2 months.
I will be doing: 10,000 sit ups, 1,000 push ups and 1,000 jump squats.
My 11 year old son Pam Pam will be doing 1,000 sit ups, 500 push ups and 500 jump squats.
My 14 year old son Dan will be doing 1,000 push ups, 1,000 sit ups and 500 jump squats.
My wife Tas will aiming to complete the couch to 5K.